Our clinic is located at the heart of the Richmond Hill area. we provide several non-surgical and health services with more than 20 years of experience such as skin care, laser hair removal, laser treatments, and cosmetic injectable treatments like Botox, and Filler. We also offer many medical services at our Richmond Hill Medical Clinic in the same location such as Family physician, Pharmacy, Nutritionist, Blood work, and more.
Our staff are always ready to help you with either Cosmetic or Medical questions.
Our clinic is pleased to offer a variety of health care services by Family Physicians in a welcoming environment.
Cosmetic and Skin Care: Dr. Amir Mirkeshmiri
Family Physician: Dr. Sogand Gholami
Medical Office Manager: Anahita Pourmahmood
Laser Technician: parya Masouri
Registered Dietitian: Maryam Zandbiglari